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Returning to the calm? 🍂

Buongiorno! A lot of time passed, but I returned here again. Raúl writing for our Vitality fans about the last updates of our life in Bergolo, but not before adding a personal reflection hehe.

Normally, I like to say that here in Bergolo, the concept of time is something really interesting. During the period when we were hosting projects, it seems that time passes fast, for all the people we met during these months. Every week, new people arrived in Bergolo, leaving some days later. So, a lot of changes in short periods as well in a short space as is this village.

However, when we return to calm states, time seems to slow down. As now we have entered into the autumn season, it seems that again, we can connect to the cycles of nature. So, in the beginning, during spring, we planted the seeds (metaphorically but physically way ;)) that impressively bloomed during the summer. Now, all the colors are changing as it changes the air we breathe every day, cooler than before; and arrives the moment to collect what we grow, and to start a period of reflection and assimilation of all the experiences and skills we have earned during these months.

Nonetheless, we haven't finished our adventures yet. We finished one of the last projects last week: "Share the Authentic" in which I was the main chef! It was an amazing experience in terms of professional and self-development, followed by great success with the work I did, with the help of my helpers, Sefa and Angelina/Mia.

During this project, Angelina, Tim, Tony, Fabiano, and Adele departed to Lecce (south of Italy) for working and facilitating activities in the project "A Path Together", by NWE (and they are still there). It seems they are having an amazing time in that beautiful place. Mia departed yesterday for a training course in the Netherlands. And Sefa and I will depart to France, to work in the kitchen of another project, in which I will have to prove my skills as a chef one more time hehe. And the last project in Bergolo will come soon, at the beginning of November.

Either way, we enjoyed some time together after all these intense weeks of work, eating homemade pizza (practicing for the following project, where I will do it for 40 people), as well as having some time outside of Bergolo and exploring other places.

Ah yes, last but not least, some of us (Mili, Sofia, Sefa, and I) have started the mid-term training today, looking forward to sharing experiences with other volunteers all over Italy.

See you next week. Peace ✌️

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