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Cascina vibes

A week ago our volunteers took part in an event #Spazzamondo organized by Fondazione CRC in Cuneo province. Our mission for the day was to collect the trash around Bergolo. Of course, it was a challenge to find some trash in our "metropolis" so we were just walking around in our power rangers' uniform fighting for any piece of trash we could detect. At some point, Mia and Adele ended up collecting wild strawberries. At least, some prey we've hunted.

On Tuesday our team transferred to Cascina Crocetta to work in the garden and help prepare the accommodation for the oncoming hosting projects and meetings.

Milli, Silvia, and Mia had activities with kids from the local kindergarten and mostly spent their working hours transplanting plants in the garden. We collected rocked salad and made our own homemade pesto sauce. Milli, it was delicious with pasta, thank you very much.

We cleaned the whole building and arranged rooms to stay in and an area for the office. We enjoyed working in a new place a lot. The only obstacle was the slowest WiFi ever. But we still managed to do our office work properly.

For some of us, it was our first time staying in Cascina for a few days in a row so we used this chance to explore the surroundings, meet new people, enjoy the landscape, relax and have fun all together.

Our new volunteer from Turkey, Sefa, has finally arrived! We welcomed him and his family first in Cascina and then in Bergolo! Our family keeps growing! And Turkish cuisine is to our liking too! Welcome to your new home, Sefa! We hope you'll have here the best year ever!

Meanwhile, Angelina, Tim, Raul, and Sofia were enjoying their trip to Bulgaria. Look at these well-rested and satisfied faces. It doesn't look like they were missing us at all, lucky little bastards. But we are happy they finally come back to Bergolo! Truth be told, Mario is the happiest one. Bergolo temporarily lost its vitality without volunteers around.

Ok, we have our Vitality team finally completed! It feels like a beginning of a new chapter for all of us. Yeah, I know, every week here feels like a new beginning, a new chapter, a new life, a new experience, and blah blah blah but that's what vitality is, indeed.

P.S. Have you noticed how smoothly Flavio disappeared without any goodbye hug? We've noticed and we'll make him pay for it.

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