Almost a month of work here in Vitality, and we keep working to revitalize Bergolo and Bormida Valley. This previous week we started with the manual job in Cascina Crocetta, and we have been literally “dealing with tons of shit” to get the job done. And, this is like that. Because we have been using tons of horse manure to fertilize the soil for our beautiful garden. Soon, we will begin with seeding!
In addition, we keep making progress with office work. We had to face our first interviews, and despite being a little overwhelmed with the workload, we nailed them! Little by little, we are increasingly adapting to the youth work field with more enthusiasm and energy (with the help of our great coordinators).
This last week we've also been witness to special events! First of all, we had celebrated Halyna and Janis birthdays on the same day! This coincidence turned out to be a moving experience, where we had the opportunity to share our emotions while we were having dinner at the same table. A true emotional “catharsis” arrived at the moment when Janis showed us the Tiramisú that he made for this occasion, becoming a legitimate Italian chef! Secondly, Halyna had the opportunity to express herself in an interview for La Stampa (one of the famous national Italian newspapers), describing her feelings and experience regarding the war in Ukraine.
Another important event, hence, the saddest. We will assist this week by giving the last farewell to our most veteran volunteer, Janis. He has been in Bergolo for a year, nourishing the Vitality experience with his great work, but the time has come to say goodbye. He is the man responsible for the redesign of Vitality and website of Vagamondo. Moreover, he has been the leading photographer during the 2021 Vitality edition.
Here is the last thoughts and feelings about his experience along this past year in his own words:
“The time has come to leave this beautiful village and pass the torch to the new volunteers. How did I come this far? Only a year ago, I stepped with my feet in this village, Bergolo. At the time, I had no idea that one year can pass this fast. I had no idea at that time that I will be living through so many things. Hiking in the mountains, freezing moments with a camera, and helping Vagamondo remake their digital presence in the online world.
Sure, some days, I wished to have not stepped in here. But looking back now, I am glad I did. And if you would ask me to repeat this experience, I would say yes, but not today. Ergo. Everything comes to an end, even if it is as beautiful as the life in Bergolo. One year. One year fuelled with creativity, adventures, and challenges that seemed impossible to overcome. In one year, I go to see the world through different eyes. I found out that people are not so different from each other. And you would be surprised the kindness you can find in places where you thought it did not exist. Just like Bergolo, the village of stones and its mysteries. Its painting, sculptures, and now, young people who will continue to bring life in this small village.”
"Everything comes to an end, even if it is as beautiful as the life in Bergolo."