With the farewell of our most veteran volunteer, Janis, a new chapter in the Vitality experience has begun. In some way, he has been our guide these firsts weeks and he has helped a lot to understand how things work here. He has been like a big brother to us, but also an authentic friend. Someone truly inspiring thanks to his work, his personality and his way of approaching life.
That’s why the farewell was an emotional episode in our experience. It was hard to say goodbye. However, it was also a life lesson for us. We have learned about the gratitude you need to feel and give when you come across people like this in your life’s journey. Furthermore, another lesson that you can remember is not to deeply attach yourself to people or places, but only give thanks for what those situations have been to you and the feelings that you have shared. We hope we can implement this knowledge in this new chapter, but also in a long-term way; in our lives.
Last Thursday, all the team went to Torino to bring Janis to the bus station and also to have the possibility to say the last goodbye (for now). After the farewell, we made the most of that day, and we went to discover this city. We had a beautiful day all together walking through the alleyways of the city, but also through their squares and marketplaces; where you can witness ancient monuments and sculptures. At the same time, it was an intercultural experience, because we had lunch in a Lebanese restaurant (Silvia’s suggestion), but also, we had the opportunity to go to a Slavic food store (Halyna’s suggestion). Hence, we will continue improving our taste by trying new flavors! An honorable mention that we can add here is one sentence that Silvia said and it was like: "it is nice to go sometimes to the city, but this lifestyle makes me remember why I am in Bergolo."
Nowadays, we are facing a transition stage, while we wait for the arrival of the new volunteers, who will be here in less than two weeks. Everything is going to change so fast for us, but we face this reality with courage and also look forward to that change. We will have better and worse moments, also with misunderstandings in between; but we will find a way to improve our resilience and our ability to overcome every obstacle that stands in our way.
We have created a video remembering the best moments of our week together. You can check it here: